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Call for Candidates/ 2024 Annual Meeting

Published: August 23, 2024

We are proud to announce that our community is close to transitioning from developer to board control. What does this mean? This means that at the end of October, the community will transition to homeowner control, with a board consisting of 3 members.

If you would like to run for the board of directors, please fill out the attached form or go online to your community website, where you can complete and submit the fillable form. Attached is a guide for board members if you are interested in running for the board of directors.

Click here to Submit Your Candidate Questionaire now!

We have not yet set a date for the 2024 annual/transition meeting as we would like to give homeowners time to consider and submit their candidate forms. The submission period will run until September 4, 2024. During the second week of September, a meeting packet with more details for the 2024 annual/transition meeting will be sent out to the community.

We appreciate your involvement and look forward to this exciting transition.

Click here to download and read Board Member Guide

Click here to download and complete the paper version of the Board Member Candidate Questionnaire

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